The Prayerful Pause - January 24

I have always loved to sing! As a child, I would make up new songs about everything under the sun, usually while coloring or playing with my dolls. As a grown-up, I feel more hesitant to make up new songs and share them publicly. Yet, in the Psalms, we are repeatedly encouraged to sing new songs to God.

  • Psalm 96:1 implores us: “Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth."

  • Psalm 40:3 reminds us: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”

  • Psalm 33:3 beckons us: "Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy."

So, this week, I am going to step outside of my comfort zone and offer a new song that I wrote as an adult. I first penned the lyrics below in 2010 for David’s ordination service to be sung to the tune of Amazing Grace. I recently found a copy of my "new song," and I remembered how I worried that it would miss the mark and fall flat on David’s special day. But now, when I read or sing the words, I remember that it takes courage to sing a new song! It takes courage to follow Jesus outside our comfort zones and try something new! It takes courage to sing a new song and follow Jesus as he leads us forward together in ministry!
Friends, just as Jesus called ordinary fishermen on the new adventure of discipleship and ministry, God continually calls us individually and collectively to new opportunities for discipleship and ministry that we may never have imagined.
Will we take a risk and follow his lead, singing new love songs to God, to each other, and to those who need to know that God loves them beyond measure? I pray we will always open our hearts, our minds, and our lives to the One who says, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people." Amen.

O Jesus, You Are Calling Us
Sung to the Tune of Amazing Grace
O Jesus, you are calling us, 
We've heard your voice 'tis true.
Teach us to cast aside our nets,
And always follow you.
O Jesus, you are teaching us,
Please show us how to love.
Teach us to love the poor and weak,
And tell of God above.
O Jesus, you are loving us,
Please help us love you too.
Teach us to tell of your great love,
In all, we say and do.
O Jesus, you are guiding us, 
To give our lives for you.
Teach us to shine for you alone,
While here or far from home.
O Jesus, you are showing us,
That we must preach the cross.
Teach us to sing that Gospel song,
No matter what the cost!