January 4

It is a new year and with that comes a new sermon series.  For most of 2016, we walked our way chronologically through the scriptures.  As 2017 begins, we will focus more intentionally on particular sections of the Bible.  Beginning this Sunday, we will move back to the lectionary texts and dig deeper into the promises of God.  Many of us have made promises to ourselves this new year, just as we do at the start of every year.  I promise to spend more time with my family.  I promise to lose weight or eat more healthy food.  I promise to read my Bible every day.  I promise to exercise every day. 

The problem with our promises is that they often fade and things stay the same.  The good news for us is that God’s promises never change.  We can hold fast to that truth.  As we begin this new year, let’s spend time learning about and giving thanks for God’s unbreakable promises. 

This Sunday, the first promise – God’s Promise of a New Life from Matthew 3:13-17.  We will tell the story of the Baptism of Jesus and be reminded of the new life, promised to all of us through our own baptism.